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  • object
    A self-contained object that consists of both data and the procedures or processes to manipulate that data.
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  • object linking and embedding (OLE)
    This is a method of putting an object created by one program into a file created by another. For example, a word processed document might include a chart from a spreadsheet. If the chart is just copied from the spreadsheet into the word processed file, then it will never change, even if the original chart data changes. However, if OLE is used instead, the chart in the word processed file will be changed if the original chart in the spreadsheet is changed.
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  • object oriented design
    Object oriented design involves identifying self-contained objects, which contain both program routines and the data being processed. A program is split down into very small units, called objects, which can then be used by other objects to build a more complex system. Object orientated design requires the use of an object oriented programming language.
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  • object oriented languages
    A language which uses object oriented programming concepts. Examples are Java, C++.
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  • object oriented programming (OOP)
    Object oriented programming uses the concept of self-contained objects, which contain both program routines and the data being processed. A program is split down into smaller units, called objects, which can then be used by other objects to build a more complex system. Object oriented programs are more reliable because the objects are self-contained, simple and so easier to program. The same types of object may be able to be used in different contexts within a program and there is no hierarchical structure as in traditional top-down design.
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  • octal
    A numbering system using base 8 and the digits 0 to 7. It has similar advantages to hexadecimal in that it is related to the binary pattern (each octal digit represents 3 bits). Most people prefer to use hexadecimal rather than to octal.
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  • off-line
    A computer or device that is normally attached to a computer - but is operating in stand-alone mode.
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  • one to many
    In database design, this indicates a relationship between two tables in which each tuple (or row) in the first table can be related to one or more tuples (or rows) in the second table.
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  • one to one
    In database design, this indicates a relationship between two tables in which a tuple (row) in the first table can be related to only one tuple (row) in the second table.
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  • one-dimensional array (1)
    A set of data items of the same type grouped together using a single identifier. Each of the data items is addressed by the variable name and a subscript. A simple column of data is called a list or a one-dimensional array.
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  • one-dimensional array (2)
    A simple column of data is called a list or a one-dimensional array.
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  • online
    A computer or device that is normally attached to a computer, and is available for external connections to be made at all times and on demand from users.
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  • online shopping
    Using the internet to buy products and services.
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  • open
    To open a file is to copy it from the backup store to the computer's memory, ready for use.
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  • open in new window
    To open something in a new window is to leave the existing window open, and start another instance of the program in another window.
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  • Open Source Software (OSS)
    OSS is software for which the licence allows the underlying programming code to be available to all users so that they may read it, make changes to it, and create new versions of the software. Linux is a well known example of OSS.
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  • operand
    A piece of data on which an operation is performed.
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  • operating system
    A program or suite of programs that controls the entire operation of the computer. It is normally provided by the manufacturer and deals with the basic functions of the computer, such as detecting what has been typed in, displaying data on the screen and loading and saving to backing store. Operating systems include utility programs which make the operation of the computer easier, such as a program to format a disk. At a technical level the operating system handles the basic and central functions such as input and output operations and interrupts. Examples are DOS, Linux, Windows and MacOS.
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  • operator
    A symbol used to indicate that a particular operation is to be performed and gives a shorthand method of indicating in a computer program how data is to be manipulated. An obvious example is the + sign to mean
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  • optical character recognition (OCR)
    Machine recognition of printed characters, e.g. the machine-readable section of a passport or the reading of typed post codes when mail is automatically sorted.