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  • USB stick
    Another term for a memory stick, which is a removable storage device used to store data. On a computer, this plugs into the USB port.
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  • user (1)
    A person who uses a computer.
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  • user (2)
    A person who uses a computer.
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  • user environment
    A general term referring to the parts which make up the user interface.
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  • user feedback
    When a user makes comments on the operation of a program, website, etc. It is particularly important to get feedback during the development and testing process of a new system.
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  • user friendly
    A program or system which is easy to use.
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  • user group
    Users of a particular piece of software who form a group to share their knowledge of, and experiences with, the software.
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  • user group
    A group of users with similar access rights.
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  • user guide
    Instructions (or instruction manual) for a user on how to operate a particular system.
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  • user interface
    The way a user communicates with and operates a computer.
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  • user name
    A unique name or code used to identify a user to a computer system when gaining access, or logging on.
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  • user preferences
    In many programs, users can configure the program to fit in with their own preferences.
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  • user testing
    The process of testing new software with a sample group of users in order to get feedback.
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  • user-defined data type
    Different programming languages provide different data, variable and field types. Many allow programmers to specify their own data types; these are called user-defined data types and are often combinations of existing data types.
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  • utility
    Software which is designed to perform a single routine task, e.g. compressing files by zipping them.