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  • : (colon) (1)
    Colon. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Sometimes used in labels.
  • spacer
  • : (colon) (2)
    Colon. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Sometimes used in labels.
  • spacer
  • ; (semicolon)
    Semicolon. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language.
  • spacer
  • < (less than)
    The symbol for less than. Also used in HTML tags.
  • spacer
  • <> (not equal to)
    This means "not equal to". Used, for example, when comparing two variables.
  • spacer
  • = (equals) (1)
    Tests for equality, for example, "if a=b then&hellip; ". In some languages, however, it assigns the value of one thing to another, for example, a=b gives a the value of b.
  • spacer
  • = (equals) (2)
    Tests for equality, for example, "if a=b then &hellip;". In some languages, however, it assigns the value of one thing to another.
  • spacer
  • == (equals, equals)
    In some languages, tests for equality, for example, if something is the same as something else, such as, a==b tests to see if a is the same as b, without assigning any value to a.
  • spacer
  • > (greater than)
    The symbol for greater than. Also used in HTML tags.
  • spacer
  • @ (at)
    A symbol commonly used in email addresses, but also used in some programming languages.
  • spacer
  • [ (opening square bracket)
    Opening square bracket. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Sometimes used in array elements.
  • spacer
  • \ (back slash)
    Back slash. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Sometimes used as an escape sequence in string literals. Also used to indicate different folder names within a file path.
  • spacer
  • ] (closing square bracket)
    Closing square bracket. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Sometimes used in array elements.
  • spacer
  • ^ (caret)
    Caret. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language.
  • spacer
  • _ (underscore)
    Commonly used in file names which do not allow spaces, or where spaces are not seen as desirable. So, for example, the file name might be 'accounts_march.doc', rather than 'accounts march.doc'. It can also mean the same as underline.
  • spacer
  • { (Opening curly bracket)
    Opening curly bracket. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language.
  • spacer
  • | (pipe)
    A pipe is found in certain operating systems and allows the user to send the output of one process to become the input of another process.
  • spacer
  • | (Vertical bar)
    Vertical bar. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language.
  • spacer
  • } (Closing curly bracket)
    Closing curly bracket. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language.
  • spacer
  • ~ (tilde)
    Tilde. Precisely what it does in a programming language depends on the specific language. Can be used as a NOT operator.