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  • icon
    An icon is a picture or symbol on the computer screen that, when clicked, does a particular task, for example open a program.
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  • identifier
    A name or label chosen by the programmer to represent an object within a program. The object could be a variable, a function, a procedure, a data type or any other element defined within a program.
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  • IF statement
    The name given to a statement allowing selection within a program, which allows a particular command or sequence of commands to be executed IF a given condition is true.
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  • image
    The computerised representation of a picture or graphic.
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  • image compression
    To reduce the size of an image data file so that it takes up less storage space and can be transmitted faster. This is particularly important where video sequences are played on a screen or recorded onto video tape, as a failure to transmit the data at a steady (high) speed will cause the images to distort.
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  • image manipulation
    Taking an image and changing it in some way, using a graphics program.
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  • image map
    In HTML, a graphic with invisible links (hot spots) within it. When the cursor is over one of the links, the cursor changes appearance. Clicking on different parts of the image will link to different places on the internet.
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  • immediate access store
    The memory, or store, is the part of a computer system where data and instructions are held for use by the central processor and where the central processor puts data it generates. The computer store is made up of a large number of identifiable units or locations. Each location has a unique label, called an address, which is recognisable and used by the central processor. Those locations that can be addressed directly by the central processor are called the main store, immediate access store (IAS) or primary store. The contents of IAS disappear when the power to the computer is switched off.
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  • implementation
    Implementation of a systems design is the process of constructing the working computer system.
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  • import
    To read a data file produced by some other software.
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  • inbox
    In email, the inbox is where incoming email messages are initially stored.
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  • incompatible
    When one thing, for example software, will not work with another. For example, a program running on a Windows PC may not run on a Mac, because the two systems may be incompatible. This also applies to hardware.
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  • inconsistent data
    Inconsistent data is found either when the result of a process is wrong or if two pieces of related data have the wrong relationship. For example if a person
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  • increment
    To increase something by one unit.
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  • incremental backup
    Only copies those data files that have changed since the last backup, which could be a full backup or a previous incremental backup.
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  • indent
    Positioning of text so that it appears a fixed distance from the left or right margin. Common in word processors, presentation software, etc.
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  • index page
    On a website, the index page (index.htm or index.php) is the first page, loaded by default.
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  • infection
    Occurs when a virus has copied itself onto a computer system, usually to its hard disk.
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  • infinite loop
    In a program, an infinite loop is a loop from which there is no exit and the instructions in the loop will continue to be repeated for ever. This may sometimes be useful, for example in a program controlling a set of traffic lights, which does continuously repeat the same instructions. However, in most cases an infinite loop will cause problems in using the computer, and may crash it.
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  • infix notation
    Infix notation is where the operators are placed between the operands, such as A+B.